Jan 5, 2018 | Body Regions, Client Knowledge Center, Injury, Treatment
Does Your Knee Hurt After A Fall? With the recent snow storm in Philadelphia the sidewalks have been slippery and many people will experience a slip and fall. A number of injuries can occur after a fall including knee pain after the knee connects to the pavement....
Nov 28, 2017 | Body Regions, Client Knowledge Center, Sports
Ben Simmons Chronic Ankle Instability Chronic ankle instability is a real problem in basketball players. Recurrent ankle sprains weaken the ligaments of the ankle resulting in more giving way. This results in a higher number of future ankle sprains. Ben Simmons had...
Nov 7, 2017 | Body Regions, Client Knowledge Center
Running Barefoot In Philadelphia Since my move back into Philadelphia I have seen more backlash for my tendency to run barefoot. I will be honest glass has been stuck in my foot, which I took out and ran another 4 miles that one day. That was my first time I lived in...
Oct 24, 2017 | Body Regions, Client Knowledge Center, Sports, Treatment
Fultz Is Out Until Further Notice Another season for the Sixers, another rookie on the shelf. Fultz is seeing a specialist about his shoulder pain that is now limiting him from lifting his arm above his shoulder. The rumor has been that shoulder pain is the reason for...
Oct 24, 2017 | Body Regions, Client Knowledge Center, Treatment
The Pinched Nerve In Your Neck When we have pain down our arm one of the reasons can be a pinched nerve. What people do not tell you about these nerves is that a pinch on a nerve happens every day. When we move we pinch and compress nerves. This means that a better...Oct 20, 2017 | Body Regions, Client Knowledge Center
Should I go to a physical therapist for my back pain? Physical therapists can help reduce and eliminate back pain. They are seen as the number one line of defense by physician groups due to a large body of evidence to its benefit. This is due to PTs having a strong...