Dec 8, 2017 | Client Knowledge Center, Treatment
IASTM Or How You Got That Bruise Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) is known by many names ASTYM, Graston, Hawkgrips, but the roots are an emergence of the traditional Chinese medicine by the name of Gua Sha. The tools can be plastic, metal, or a...
Nov 30, 2017 | Client Knowledge Center, Injury, Sports, Treatment
Philadelphia 76ers TJ McConnell Has A Shoulder Contusion I am not buying it. A shoulder contusion occurs with impact with resulting pain. This was exactly what happened to TJ in the play where he was going through a screen. But the fact he could not lift his arm and...
Nov 3, 2017 | Client Knowledge Center, Pain Science, Treatment
Chronic Pain Is A National Health Crisis According to the National Institute of Health chronic pain is something that affects up to 23.4 million adults who in America experience “a lot of pain” each year. 126 million, or more than half of Americans have had some type...
Oct 24, 2017 | Body Regions, Client Knowledge Center, Sports, Treatment
Fultz Is Out Until Further Notice Another season for the Sixers, another rookie on the shelf. Fultz is seeing a specialist about his shoulder pain that is now limiting him from lifting his arm above his shoulder. The rumor has been that shoulder pain is the reason for...
Oct 24, 2017 | Body Regions, Client Knowledge Center, Treatment
The Pinched Nerve In Your Neck When we have pain down our arm one of the reasons can be a pinched nerve. What people do not tell you about these nerves is that a pinch on a nerve happens every day. When we move we pinch and compress nerves. This means that a better...
Oct 6, 2017 | Body Regions, Client Knowledge Center, Treatment
I did not do anything, why do I have back pain? Back pain most often occurs with no cause. This means that their no specific injury that people can point to and diagnosis is difficult. Often times back pain is due to accumulation of stresses found in our day to day...