Jan 23, 2018 | Client Knowledge Center, Sports
As A Health Professional I Can Not Support The Super Bowl The Philadelphia Eagles are in the Super Bowl. Win or lose this has been a great season for the team and the fans of the Philadelphia team. It has been a difficult year to stop watching football due to the...
Dec 8, 2017 | Client Knowledge Center, Treatment
IASTM Or How You Got That Bruise Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) is known by many names ASTYM, Graston, Hawkgrips, but the roots are an emergence of the traditional Chinese medicine by the name of Gua Sha. The tools can be plastic, metal, or a...
Sep 12, 2017 | Client Knowledge Center, Injury, Sports
The Case Against Football I never played football as a kid, apart from flag football and touch football, but never “real” football. With the knowledge of concussions and the effect they can have in the short and long term I am glad I did not. This is...
May 3, 2017 | Client Knowledge Center, Sports
The Real Odds Sidney Jones Will Play In The NFL Eagles draft pick Sidney Jones achilles tendon injury on his pro day in March was unfortunate to say the least. A first round prospect who fell to the second round when the risk/reward was enough to take...