Sep 8, 2017 | Client Knowledge Center, Treatment
Ergonomics Are Not As Impressive As People Think When it comes to ergonomics we have all heard that if we have a good setup at our desk we will have less pain. The research on the benefit of an ergonomic setup is small. In a review of the literature I was able to only...
Sep 6, 2017 | Body Regions, Client Knowledge Center, Injury, Treatment
Is Physical Therapy Effective For Your Pain? An important question to ask of any treatment is whether or not it is effective. If an intervention will help you or not is a key question because no one wants to waste their time on something that will not help them feel...
Mar 29, 2017 | Body Regions, Client Knowledge Center, Treatment
Lateral Epicondylitis The elbow is a common area to have pain or discomfort that seems to come out of nowhere. Many times people who have these symptoms are diagnosed with “Tennis elbow”. If you do not play tennis, this may cause confusion, however the term comes from...