Jun 18, 2018 | Client Knowledge Center, Pain Science, Treatment
Achilles Pain Pain in the achilles tendon can easily become chronic and difficult to recover from. Rest does not seem to help the tendon recover. Current research suggests that changes to the tendon are to blame. These changes can be nerve, vasculature, or the...
Jun 11, 2018 | Client Knowledge Center, Sports
Train Smart Overuse injuries are common in people who start training. As we move in to nicer weather more people will start to increase their training and increasing faster or further than we should we can overuse our muscles, ligaments, tendons, and bones...
Jan 5, 2018 | Body Regions, Client Knowledge Center, Injury, Treatment
Does Your Knee Hurt After A Fall? With the recent snow storm in Philadelphia the sidewalks have been slippery and many people will experience a slip and fall. A number of injuries can occur after a fall including knee pain after the knee connects to the pavement....Oct 20, 2017 | Body Regions, Client Knowledge Center
Should I go to a physical therapist for my back pain? Physical therapists can help reduce and eliminate back pain. They are seen as the number one line of defense by physician groups due to a large body of evidence to its benefit. This is due to PTs having a strong...
Oct 17, 2017 | Body Regions, Client Knowledge Center
Struggling With A Pinched Nerve In Your Neck? Nerve irritation is common when it comes to neck pain. The two common diagnoses are radiculopathy and entrapment when it comes to a pinched nerve. This pain is often felt as burning, tingling, numbness, stinging, or...