The Greek Fake

The Greek Fake

The Greek Fake All-Star player Giannis Antetokounmpo will not play in the European championship. As more players skip tournaments and world competition due to fear of injury there is mistrust between the countries and the NBA. This has led to a player with knee pain...
Cash PT Philadelphia

Cash PT Philadelphia

Why Pay Cash For Physical Therapy? When it comes to payment it can be easy to go with the bill me later approach that is insurance. Hidden costs however are the norm which can change many things about your recovery. This means people may end up paying more, get more...
Is Your Health Information Private?

Is Your Health Information Private?

Keep Your Healthcare Private We have a lock screen on our phones, we have blinds in our homes and lock our doors, and we put clothes on when we leave our homes despite the heat being in the 90s in Philadelphia. However far too often we give up our most personal...
Another Med Bites The Dust

Another Med Bites The Dust

Diazepam Found To Not Help With Acute Back Pain Diazepam, a medication for muscle relaxation and anxiety, has been found to have no benefit vs a placebo in those with low back pain. In a study of 114 people with acute low back pain who got Naproxen (Aleve) and either...