Jun 12, 2017 | Body Regions, Client Knowledge Center, Treatment
What Is Dry Needling? Dry needling is the the use of one or more needles to treat muscle, myofascial trigger points, and connective tissue to manage pain and movement impairments (APTA 2013). There is no injection of any chemicals like lidocaine or steroid and it can...
May 9, 2017 | Client Knowledge Center, Pain Science
Avoid The Highway To The Danger Zone The danger zone is a place most people want to avoid. When it comes to physical therapy to know the danger zone is to know how to recover. The definition of the danger zone is: an area in which there is high risk of harm,...
Mar 29, 2017 | Body Regions, Client Knowledge Center, Treatment
Lateral Epicondylitis The elbow is a common area to have pain or discomfort that seems to come out of nowhere. Many times people who have these symptoms are diagnosed with “Tennis elbow”. If you do not play tennis, this may cause confusion, however the term comes from...Mar 8, 2017 | Body Regions, Client Knowledge Center, Pain Science, Treatment
The Nerves In The Back Can Cause Leg Pain Back pain is the most common reason people seek care for non cold/flu related symptoms. When leg pain is involved the nerves of the back may be irritated. The good news is you can recover from leg pain without surgery or...Feb 13, 2017 | Body Regions, Client Knowledge Center, Pain Science, Sports
Embiid – No Surgery Required Joel Embiid recently was diagnosed with a meniscal tear in his recently injured knee which has caused concern for fans. Embiid will not be having surgery according to recent reports as the belief is the tear is a pre-existing...