The Greek Fake

The Greek Fake

The Greek Fake All-Star player Giannis Antetokounmpo will not play in the European championship. As more players skip tournaments and world competition due to fear of injury there is mistrust between the countries and the NBA. This has led to a player with knee pain...
Dry Needling Treatment

Dry Needling Treatment

What Is Dry Needling? Dry needling is the the use of one or more needles to treat muscle, myofascial trigger points, and connective tissue to manage pain and movement impairments (APTA 2013). There is no injection of any chemicals like lidocaine or steroid and it can...
Understand Pain: The Danger Zone

Understand Pain: The Danger Zone

Avoid The Highway To The Danger Zone The danger zone is a place most people want to avoid. When it comes to physical therapy to know the danger zone is to know how to recover. The definition of the danger zone is: an area in which there is high risk of harm,...
Make Sense Of Amplified Pain

Make Sense Of Amplified Pain

When Your Pain Has You Amped Pain is a sign of good health. People without the experience of pain injure themselves and have severe issues. If we were unable to sense these danger singles cuts would be more prone to infection, broken bones would not be set, and we...